Call for Abstract

8th World Summit on Dentistry and Oral Health, will be organized around the theme “”

Oral Therapy 2021 is comprised of 21 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Oral Therapy 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Session 1: Paediatric Dentistry

This is the branch of dentistry managing youngsters oral wellbeing from the birth of the child till their adolescence. They have the capabilities to watch over an infant's teeth, mouth, and gums around the different phases of youth. Paediatric dental practitioners give extensive oral human services that incorporate the Infant oral wellbeing exams, Paediatric Endodontic, Dental caries and Paediatric oral wellbeing research.

Session 2: Prosthodontology And Periodontology

Prosthodontist these are experts in the dental restoration and dental replacement of our teeth who maintains our smile look beautiful. If we lost any of our teeth then there are many possibilities to make fun of our smile and feel discomfort with pain, then a prosthodontist helps us in resolving our  dental issue.

A periodontist is a dental practitioner who has practical experience in the dental anticipation,  dental analysis, and treatment of periodontal illness, and in the arrangement of dental implants. Also specialized in the treatment of oral irritation. They know about the most recent dental systems for diagnosing and treating periodontal infection are likewise prepared in performing restorative periodontal methods.

Session 3: Cosmetic Dentistry/Restorative Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is, for the most part, used to allude to any dental work that enhances the appearance of teeth, gums or potentially chomp. It essentially concentrates on change dental surface in dental shading,  dental position,  dental shape, tooth size, arrangement and general grin appearance.

Session 4: Ethno Dentistry

The use of medicinal plant materials (herbs) in resolving dental issues is increasing gradually nowadays and is called ethno dentistry. Here herbal plants are used for curing the toothaches and act as a microbial agent in the removal of dental plaques. Natural concentrates have been utilized as a part of dentistry for lessening irritation, as antimicrobial plaque operators and as cleaning agents, cell reinforcements, antimicrobials, antifungals, anti-bacterial, antivirals and analgesics. They likewise help in improving and are viable in controlling microbial dental  plaque in gingivitis and periodontitis.

Session 5: Dental Implants

These are  dental  metallic frames placed in gums and get fixed with jawbones in which we can add our artificial tooth material and maintain tooth stability. These are generally used for patients in case of replacement of the lost tooth or because of tooth rots or may be because of physical injury or because of failure of root canal treatment, congenital defects. There are many types of implants available like endosteal (in the bone) and subperiosteal (on the bone).

Session 6: Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery

These type of surgeries are suggested to people who are having diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral (mouth) and maxillofacial (jaws and face) region. The work of an OMF surgeon includes the following Cosmetic facial surgery for cancer, Salivary gland surgery, Skin lesion of head and neck. Skin lesion of head and neck.

Session 7: Orthodontology

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that deals with the analysis, prevention and correction of malpositioned teeth and jaws. It can also effort on altering facial growth, known as dentofacial orthopaedics. Treatment can take several months to a few years, it includes the use of dental braces and other utilizations to deliberately move the teeth and jaws around.


Session 8: Nano Dentistry

Application of nanotechnology to dentistry field is known as Nano-dentistry. Treatment possibilities might comprise the utility of nanotechnology to nearby anesthesia, dentition renaturalization, the permanent therapy for allergy, complete orthodontic realignment in a single go and continuous oral health upkeep using mechanical dentifrobots. Dental Nanorobots can be built to smash caries-causing bacteria or to restore teeth stains in which decay has set in, by the use of a computer to direct these tiny employees (Nanorobots)their tasks. The nano electromechanical system, oral fluid Nanosensor test and optical Nano biosensor can also be used for diagnosing oral cancer.

Session 9: Dental Implantology

A dental implant is also known as Endosseous implant or fixture and it is a surgical factor that lines with the bone of the jaw or skull to care a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to performance as an orthodontic anchor. Planning the place and number of implants is crucial to the long-term health of the prosthetic since biomechanical forces formed during chewing can be significant.

Session 10:Dental Education and Research 

 Dental Education main vision is to develop future Practitioners and it is marked by both change and continuity. The aim of Dental education is to educate students on how to serve their patients and communities and it prepares students to continue to learn skills and improve knowledge throughout their practice. Continuing dental education is important for all professionals in the field of dentistry to provide the best care possible while having access to the latest preventive, diagnostic and treatment methods.

Dental Research

Dental Research will give professionals a chance to contribute to dental science and to become more familiar with the latest advancements and technologies. The Research and discoveries in the field of dentistry have led to revolution and paradigm shifts in terms of professional practice allowing dental students to develop in-depth understanding of the biosocial underpinnings in dental field.


Session 11:Dental public
  • Mouth Sores
  • Asepsis in Endodontics
  • Primary care and dental health education

Dental public health helps in treating dental disease, and seeks to scale back demand on health care systems by redirection of resources to priority areas. The implementation of policies and principles varies from country to country because of offering of resources. Just like public health, an understanding of the numerous factors that influence health can assists the implementation of effective ways.  


Session 12:Orofacial Dentistry

Orofacial Dentistry focuses on head, neck, mouth, face and jaw area who suffers with the pain of muscle, nerve origin and joint origin. Orofacial pain is the medical specialty of dentistry that surrounds treatment, management and diagnosis the disorders of the jaw.


Session 13:Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is usually known any dental work that improves the looks of teeth, and gums. It primarily focuses on an improvement in dental aesthetics in color, position, shape, size, alignment, and an overall smile look. Several dentists visit themselves as “cosmetic dentists” no matter their specific education, specialty, training, and skill during this field. This has been thought about unethical with a predominant objective of selling topatients. Cosmetic treatments may additionally offer restorative advantages. For an example, dental fillings are a general process used to treat decayed teeth.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Veneers
  • Dental Bonding
  • Dental Crown
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Dental Implants


Session 14:Oral cancer

Oral cancer is most frequently found within the tongue, the lips, and also the floor of the mouth. It can also begin within the gums, the minor secretion glands, the liner of the lips, and cheeks, the roof of the mouth or the area behind the wisdom teeth. The majority of oral cancers arise within the squamous cells that line the mouth, tongue, gums and lips. These are known as squamous carcinomas. Not all tumors or growths within the mouth are cancer however some are benign whereas others are the malignant tumor that means they will become cancer however don't seem to be currently cancer.
Symptoms of carcinoma usually mimic symptoms of less serious conditions, like a mouth sore that won’t escape, therefore, knowing the signs of the disease are mandatory. Knowing risk factors is additionally very important. Treatment generally depends on wherever the mouth, cancer originatedOral carcinoma and its treatments usually have an effect on the patient’s physical look and ability to eat and perform alternative everyday activities, surgical reconstructive techniques could also be an option.

  • Oral Cancer Risk Factors are:
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • DNA changes

Session 15: Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry is the use of lasers to treat variety of various dental conditions. Laser dental medicine probably offers a more settled treatment possibility for several dental procedures involving solid or soft tissue compared to drills and different non-laser tools. Laser Dentistry may cause less pain in some instances, so reduces the need for anaesthesia, and also reduce anxiety in patients uncomfortable with the use of the dental drill. It minimizes bleeding and swelling during soft tissue treatments. It may preserve healthier tooth during cavity removal.

Laser dentistry is used in different processes, including:

  • Treating hypersensitivity
  • Treating tooth decay
  • Treating gum disease
  • Whitening teeth
  • Types of Lasers Used in Dentistry
  • Hard Tissue Lasers
  • Soft Tissue Lasers


Session 16: Dentists

Dentists will study new ideas in dental treatment and therefore the latest advances in techniques and instrumentation within the one research that helps them keep up with fast changes during this field. Advanced Dental research provides an excellent emphasis on the research work done by the students and research scholars can put their effort in Dental studies.


Session 17:Dental instruments

Dental instruments are tools that are utilized by the dental professionals to inspect, restore, manipulate tissues or extract teeth. Moreover, these are additionally being treated for all types of dental disorders or deformities. A number of the common dental tools and appliances contain dental mirrors, dental probes and retractors, dental hand items or dental drills and dental burs. Dental drills are the foremost used instruments in a dental treatment. Dental drill may be a high-speed drill used for the decay removal and shaping the tooth structure before inserting a filling or a dental crown or perhaps to get rid of recent and temporary fillings before the insertion of latest or permanent crown or the filling. Dental hand pieces/engines are offered in numerous varieties on the speed, the friction, grip etc.


Session 18: Dental Marketing

The current COVID-19 the scenario has dropped the quantity of visits to the hospitals, and clinics for dental functions resulting in a moistening of the demand for dental instrumentality. Dentsply  Sirona according that its income for the primary quarter of 2020 was down by 7.6%, or 4.3% in organic terms, on an account of low patient volumes and elective procedures. In terms of the revenue and the income, this downfall trend is ascertained in many alternative firms in the addition within the market. However, this can be expecting to be a brief downfall and therefore, the market is predicted to resume the expansion within close to the future.


Session 19:Conservative Dentistry

Conservative Dentistry is the branch of the odontology that cares with the conservation of teeth within the mouth. It embraces the practice of operative dentistry and dental medicine, and includes varieties of direct and indirect restorations of individual teeth within the mouth. The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Dental medicine offers graduation, Interns yet as postgraduate programs. The department has the progressive technology, a dedicated teaching and the non-teaching staff and the infrastructure to render effective and predictable services to patients. In conservative dentistry minimum of healthy tooth structure is removed throughout the restorative method, is inherently a fascinating dental objective. Passageway treatment is one amongst the most and commonly used treatments for maintaining the health of teeth. During this technique a surgery is performed wherever most of the affected the space is removed and it's full of varied dental quality fillings, that helps in impressive a lot of infection.


Session 20: Forensic Dentistry

Forensic Dentistry is formally known as “Dentistry as applied to the law”. Forensic Dentistry is one amongst the foremost appreciated and exciting subspecialties of Dentistry. Based on Situations a Forensic dentist practitioner encounter vary from civil problems like identification of deceased people UN agency, by the virtue of circumstances of death or advanced decomposition, cannot be visually known, to identification of mass-disaster victims, to criminal cases that involve dental proof, like bite marks and oral injuries. Forensic medical specialty is the correct handling, examination, and analysis of dental proof, which can be then presented within the interest of justice. The proof which will be derived from teeth is the age and identification of the person to whom the teeth belong. This is often done using dental records as well as radiographs, ante-mortem and post-mortem images and DNA.



Session 21: Dental & Oral care

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has challenged health professions and systems and has elicited totally different speeds of reaction and kinds of a response around the globe. The role of dental professionals in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 is critically vital. Whereas all routine Dental care has been suspended in countries experiencing COVID-19 sickness throughout the period of pandemic, the necessity for organized imperative care delivered by groups supplied with appropriate personal protecting the equipment takes the priority. Dental professionals may contribute to the treatment. Major and speedy reorganization of each clinical and support services is not easy.